

Much of the success of your company depends on the quality and performance of your processes which in turn depends more and more on your IT system. Your business departments always demands more performance from your internal applications and more differentiating values from your customer-oriented applications, coupled with ever shrinking resources. Since we are totally dedicated to your success, our mission is to help you meet this constant challenge, while keeping the goals of Business and IT perfectly aligned.
In the present hard times there is a relentless pressure to cut costs. Meanwhile, applications become increasingly complex and hence more difficult to develop and maintain, requiring ever better trained people. We will help you find the optimal balance between cost reduction and quality.
Infinite Solutions does not follow blindly the models of the larger consultancy companies. We are able to break the rules of the trade in order to provide our customers with the best original solutions adapted to their needs, taking all aspects into account. For example, we will not use the "vendor lock-in" mechanism to render you dependent on us. By describing our services fully and organizing transparent procedures, we leave you in control and allow you to eventually switch to another team (internal or external), should you feel the need to do so. It is a measure of the confidence that we have in the quality of our service level that we do not fear to propose this approach.
Our idea is that you should keep full mastery of your evolution and destiny, by becoming less, not more, dependent on vendors. You should become as agile as possible, always able to choose among several competitors, or several options, without undue difficulty. Finally, we want to insure that the technical and business knowledge remains inside your organisation.
When we win a new customer, our objective is to forge a genuine partnership with him and establish a long and trusting relationship. This means that we will do the utmost to stick to our commitments, contractual engagements and quality of the service level, even if that results sometimes in reduced profits. We are strongly convinced that quality and honesty will pay in the long run.